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Ch-ch-ch-Chip ‘n Dale’s!!!
Rescue Rangers!!!!
They are back! In a brand new movie! And the best part is, this film is a continuation of the classic Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers series from the late 80’s and early 90’s.
This film seems to be taking an approach similar to “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” (Who ironically shows up in the trailer!) Chip and Dale along with a ton of other cartoon friends are depicted as living in the real world as cartoons alongside humans!
John Mulaney and Andy Samberg will lend their voices to Chip and Dale for this film. I’ve got to admit, when I heard their voices come out of the chipmunks mouths for the first time it was a bit jarring. But these two are hilarious, and while it might be odd at first, I think we will get used to them quick!
Also, Seth Rogen is going to play a CGI character named Bob! Absolutely loved the banter between him and Chip and Dale in the trailer!
It also looks like this movie is going to comment on animation today and how it has changed throughout history. Love that we are getting meta!!
Plus LOADS of cameos look to be within this movie too!! Some of the ones I saw in the trailer surprised me a ton!
May 20 can’t come soon enough!