With “Lightyear” out this week, let’s take a look back at my favorite Buzz Lightyear moments from the “Toy Story” movies!

Buzz and Woody Meet!- Toy Story
Quite possibly one of the best character introductions I’ve ever seen!
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Video Game! -Toy Story 2
I always wished I could play this game in real life!
Buzz on Demo Mode! – Toy Story 3
Such a funny idea for a toy!
Buzz hatches a plan with Ducky and Bunny- Toy Story 4
Laughed so hard at this the first time I saw it!
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command…the TV Show!
A lot of people have forgotten about the awesome TV show that Buzz starred in! Here’s the theme song!
Mrs. Nesbitt!- Toy Story
Years at the academy wasted!!!!
Buzz meets his clone!- Toy Story 2
What an encounter they had!
Two Infinity….And Beyond. -Toy Story 4
The final shot of Toy Story 4…bring the tissues for this one!
Buzz fights Zurg!- Toy Story 2
The biggest galactic battle since Star Wars!
“This isn’t flying! This is falling, with style!”- Toy Story
Could be the scene that has brought me the most joy from any movie!
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