Category Archives: Beals

TikTok Thursday! A Hotel ran by Dinosaurs, Cats, Corndogs and More!

TikTok Thursday! A Hotel ran by Dinosaurs, Cats, Corndogs and More!

Adventure cat!!! @greatgramsofgaryWe’ve had some good adventures together♬ swing lynn – ✮❦lovdfilmz❦✮⋆ I must visit this dinosaur hotel!!!!! @leanneinjapanReasons why Japan is on another level ##japantiktok ##japan ##futurejapan♬ shukipi – =LOVE A lot of people don’t know that one of the best dance moves ever came from a Goofy Movie! @amymariegaertnerReply to @joshnuzzi829 the perfect…MORE

TikTok Thursday: Napoleon Dynamite Dances, Mountain Roller Coasters and more!

TikTok Thursday: Napoleon Dynamite Dances, Mountain Roller Coasters and more!

Fellow Napoleon Dynamite fans will love this daddy and daughter dance!! @peyrae22Couldn’t have asked for a better daddy and daughter dance! 😂❤️ ##napoleandynamite ##wedding ##dance ##cannedheat♬ original sound – user901517 I felt like I was on this mountain roller coaster! @roemer_productionsLet’s ride the mountain roller coaster! 🎢 ##switzerland ##swiss ##travel ##rollercoaster ##fy♬ good 4 u…MORE

TikToks Thursday!! A hot week, full of fire TikToks!

TikToks Thursday!! A hot week, full of fire TikToks!

Take a break from the heat and watch some great TikToks! I’m not sure if you’ll be able to cool off for long though, because these TikToks are fire! This is a huge pet bunny!!! @jayprehistoricpetsI don’t even think I have a snake big enough for this one 😂 ##bunny ##rabbit ##animals♬ Touch Down 2…MORE

TikTok Thursday! Mail Boat Jumpers Cat Cafes and More!

TikTok Thursday! Mail Boat Jumpers Cat Cafes and More!

I had no idea mail was delivered this way out on the water!!! There’s no doubt in my mind that I would trip and fall! @tmj4newsMail is still delivered by boat, it’s up to these Wisconsin teens to do it. ##summer ##summerjob ##wisconsin ##boatlife ##mail ##fyp♬ Run Free (feat. IVIE) – Deep Chills Ever wonder…MORE

The First TikTok Thursday of June 2021!

The First TikTok Thursday of June 2021!

One scary T-Rex Teacher!! @dinoblitz367Rexy the teacher. ##jurassicworld ##jurassicpark ##dinosaur ##tyrannosaurusrex ##postosuchus ##plesiosaurus ##alioramus ##ornitholestes ##velociraptor♬ No EaTiNg In My ClAsSrOoM – David Holmes How to make Johnny Cash’s favorite food! @saintsauteReply to @declan2epic3 so simple yet so delicious ##johnnycash ##favoritefood ##chili ##foodtiktok ##cooking ##celebrity♬ I Walk the Line – Johnny Cash Seeing cute dogs…MORE

TikTok Thursday!!! May 27th!!

TikTok Thursday!!! May 27th!!

There have been a lot of rainy days recently. So that means I’ve spent a lot of time on TikTok!! Here are some awesome ones that I hope you love too!! Look at all of these famous movie locations!! And they are in one area!! @vivandalexComment any movies or shows below! ##foryou ##tv ##movies ##funfacts…MORE

Happy TikTok Thursday!!!- May 20,2021

Happy TikTok Thursday!!!- May 20,2021

Hi everyone! Hope you are all doing great! Here are some of my favorite TikTok’s from the last week. Hope there is something in here that you love as well! This dog has some big fans!!! They even applaud for him! @phil_thebernerThis seems suspicious…😳😲 ##dog ##vicious ##pet ##puppy ##cute ##babydog ##phil ##doggo ##bernese ##fyp ##bernesemountaindog…MORE

Best TikToks of the Week! Thursday the Thirteenth Edition!!

Best TikToks of the Week! Thursday the Thirteenth Edition!!

It’s Thursday! You know what that means!! Here are some more TikTok’s that will hopefully bring a smile to your day! Rubber Duck stores exist?!?! I had no idea! I must visit!!! @flippinmichaelbro##fyp ##foryou ##wonka 🐥♬ Main Titles (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) – Danny Elfman Anyone ever been to the Surf Ballroom? It’s right…MORE

TikTok Thursday!!! Happy May!

TikTok Thursday!!! Happy May!

It’s the first TikTok Thursday of May!! The weather is getting nicer, so are the TikToks!!! Randy Travis is the man! I love this guy so much. His TikTok page is top tier too! He also celebrated a birthday this week! @randy.travis62 and still got it! Happy Birthday to the legend himself ##RandyTravis ##happybirthday ##countrymusic…MORE