How broke was Tim McGraw before he got his record deal? And a legendary country music business in downtown Nashville is closing its doors.… MORE

How broke was Tim McGraw before he got his record deal? And a legendary country music business in downtown Nashville is closing its doors.… MORE
Little bits about a lot of things, including more central Iowa teams playing well in the Boys state basketball tournament, Major League baseball is FINALLY ready to “Play Ball”, and the perfect home for any HUGE NASCAR fan is for sale!… MORE
Golfer John Daly has a country album out today that features a legendary special guest, and if you’ve been wanting to see Trace Adkins in concert, he’s bringing the concert to YOU!… MORE
Little bits about a lot of things, including another Lion King movie, it looks like Pete Davidson is getting his own show, and you can earn pancakes for eating pancakes!… MORE
How is Miranda Lambert staying at the top in country music…and a couple country stars will be getting some home makeovers!… MORE
Little bits about a lot of things, including local teams doing well at the Boys’ State basketball tournament, Aaron Rodgers will make a LOT of money to stay with the Packers, and another favorite is back at Taco Bell!… MORE
A new flavor of coffee creamer for you to try, and what is our favorite dessert here in Iowa?… MORE
There was a wardrobe malfunction at the ACM Awards, details on that and some other ACM awards stuff…and Kelly Clarkson’s divorce is final and she’s paying LOTS of money!… MORE
Little bits about a lot of things, including a BIG comedy tour is hitting the road, Pamela Anderson is making her Broadway debut, and stop cheating at WORDLE!… MORE
Recapping last night’s ACM Awards show, getcha all the big winners…and Carrie Underwood with a message for International Women’s day!… MORE