Tag Archives: film

First in Line Sponsored by Vinyl Cup Records: Sisu

First in Line Sponsored by Vinyl Cup Records: Sisu

This week on First in Line Sponsored by Vinyl Cup Records…I check out a new movie that has been flying under the radar called “Sisu!” Some people claim it has the greatest trailer of all time! Also, I put an AI to the test with movie questions!!!MORE

Cocaine Bear: First in Line-Sponsored by Vinyl Cup Records

Cocaine Bear: First in Line-Sponsored by Vinyl Cup Records

First in Line sponsored by Vinyl Cup Records has something special this week. Cocaine Bear!!!!! Jacob weighs in on the film’s Oscar chances. Plus, Cocaine Bear Trivia! And Jacob gets caught in an internet rabbit hole all about Bart the Bear! MORE

The Second Trailer for “Spider-Man: No Way Home” is Finally Here!

The Second Trailer for “Spider-Man: No Way Home” is Finally Here!

Last night to much excitement, the second trailer for “Spider-Man: No Way Home” dropped online. I don’t think people have been this collectively excited for a movie’s trailer since the previews for “Avengers: Endgame” dropped before that film’s release. This trailer blew me away. I was already hyped to see this movie. But now, I’m…MORE

Venom 2 Review! And Spoiler Talk About That Post Credits Scene!

Venom 2 Review! And Spoiler Talk About That Post Credits Scene!

PodBeals: Let’s Talk Venom: Let There Be Carnage!!! Time to review Venom 2!! My review is spoiler free. But, I get into spoilers when talking about that crazy post credits scene!!! I loved the first Venom, so I was hyped for this sequel! What did you think of it? Be sure to let me know! …MORE